When I heard that the ND theology requirements were possibly going to be eliminated, I had to write in favor of keeping them on the board. While, or indeed because, theology is certainly not the flavor du jour of today's college students, it is in fact more valuable than ever before.
I am a chemical engineering 2011 grad but value those theology classes as a cornerstone of my ND education. The Catholic church has been a forceful and formidable institution for over 2,000 years - a simple fact that students do not fully appreciate until they take these theology classes. Regardless of the facts that many global conflicts have ties to religion and that Judaism, Christianity and Islam all share the same roots, an awareness of Church history is crucial to understanding the world as it is today. The theology requirements make sure that each Notre Dame graduate takes that understanding out into the world.
In addition, it allows a specialization into topics not covered in a secular university. My favorite class was on the Immaculate Conception, taught by Sister Ann, a woman so passionate about this that she fought for (and was granted) an entire course with which to teach and inspire us with the story of Bernadette of Lourdes. It also provoked countless intellectual theological conversations in the dorms, in class and at home.
Please keep the theology requirements - they are part of what make the university so unique, and keep us well-informed to combat the less-than-accurate rhetoric often spouted about Catholics. Nowhere else but Notre Dame!
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