Before coming to Notre Dame, I thought that I knew everything that I ever needed to know about being Catholic. My bloated confidence in my comprehension of Christianity was promptly deflated during the Foundations of Theology course I took in the fall of my freshman year. I realized that there was so much about my faith that I did not understand, or that I had taken for granted. The Foundations course challenged me and my faith, and it forced me to appreciate that theology, as a distinct academic discipline, is valuable. If nothing else, the Foundations course forced me to actually open up the Bible and read it. Honestly, without the Foundations course, I probably would have graduated from Notre Dame without even a basic understanding of how to read Scripture.
My second required theology course was also formative. We spent a majority of time each class in discussion, where each of us was able to express our own understanding of the theology topic on hand. The viewpoints held amongst my classmates were diverse, and it was amazing to be able to discuss our religious differences articulately and respectfully. Through it all, our professor was there to teach us how the Church has approached each issue and why. Once again, without my second required theology course, I probably would have graduated from Notre Dame without the capacity to articulately and respectfully share my Catholic faith with others.
I studied biological sciences at Notre Dame, and I am currently a first year medical student. I am in the throes of learning cardiovascular physiology, and I really do not have time to write a letter to the Provost of Notre Dame about changes to the core curriculum which will have no direct impact on my life. But I am writing this letter anyway. I am sacrificing my study time because I feel strongly that the theology requirements are an essential part the undergraduate education. When I think back on my time at Notre Dame, I do not think about the pathways I memorized for organic chemistry or the multitude of cell signaling molecules I encountered in my cell biology course. What I do remember is falling in love with theology, because through my theology classes (which turned into a second major), I became convinced that I wanted to be a physician. Studying theology helped me understand what it means to serve others out of love, not just obligation, in imitation of the Divine Physician. Studying theology is the reason that my future patients will have a truly compassionate doctor, and not someone who is just working for a paycheck.
I love Notre Dame dearly. I want to see her graduates succeed in every aspect of life and to be a great force for good in this country and the whole world. Please do not deprive her students of the gift of theology. Please do not deprive her students of the classes that will help to give meaning to their lives. Please do not attempt to educate the mind at the expense of the heart. If we do remove theology from the core of the curriculum, I fear that Notre Dame may lose its heart as well.
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